About Us
Aya Cleaning Solutions is a home and office cleaning company located in Los Angeles - CA. We deliver high quality service by providing our customers with a personalized customer experience. Our team are highly skilled, friendly and reliable. Our core values include safety, professionalism and customer satisfaction. We pride ourselves on our unwavering dedication to our customers and commitment to quality. Our mission is to always finish first in providing our customers with the highest quality of work in a cost-friendly manner.
Help you to feel good in your own space.
Our Mission
Create a community where employees and customers and clients feel like they do more than just business... They take care of each other! Join forces to help each employee to achieve personal and professional growth.
Create a platform to encourage employees and clients to make a difference in someone else's life.
Our Vision
Empathy for those who make opportunities exist: our clients
Make it happen
Attention to detail
Team work
Discipline and humility
Growth and expansion as a team